читать дальшеAh, another contract signing on RAW! The only question that remains is whether or not the crowd will react with Daniel Bryan chants. Follow along to find out!
Do All Director’s of Operations Have Theme Music Like Kane’s?
The show started with CM Punk. He said he’s been trying to figure out why The Shield attacked him. He said deep down he thinks he knows why. Punk said last week he critizied Triple H on RAW. And then he’s attacked by The Shield. Punk said he is in denial, and he hopes it is a coincidence. Punk said he doesn’t want any part of The Authority and wants to continue living in his own universe. Punk said Triple H can’t be that ignorant to kick a hornet’s nest and mess with one of the biggest anti-authority figures there is.
Stephanie McMahon came out. Steph said she hoped Punk had a good Thanksgiving. Steph said there advocates of free speech. She said they didn’t care about Punk calling HHH a bad name. Steph said it is much easier to point the finger at them, but they were just as upset as Punk when The Shield attacked him last week. Steph said they had more important things to worry about like the contract signing tonight. She said that if he had any other questions he could ask Kane, who came out. Kane said the investigation into Punk’s claim showed no wrong-doing by The Authority. Punk asked Kane when he became the Big Red Asskicker. Punk told Kane that he can come down to the ring and get knocked out or Go To Sleep, his choice. Kane started walking to the ring but Steph stopped him. The Shield’s music hit and they came to the ring. Punk grabbed a chair.
Steph told The Shield to stop and that Punk is to be respected. Kane agreed, and that he should be challenged. Kane said that at TLC, Punk will be in a 3-on-1 handicap match against The Shield.
First Step To Making The Intercontinental Title Relevant Again?
Dolph Ziggler vs Damien Sandow. Winner is #1 Contender for the IC Title. Dolph started with some early offense and hit a dropkick. Sandow went to the outside, but Dolph hit a baseball slide. Sandow recovered and face planted Dolph on the apron. Sandow hit a side Russian leg sweep followed by the Elbow of Disdain for two. Sandow went for a moonsault but Dolph moved. He connected on a DDT for two. Ziggler hit a splash followed by ten corner punches and a neckbreaker. He went for the Fameasser but Sandow countered it. Ziggler was able to connect on it on the second try for two. Ziggler went to the top but Sandow knocked him off the ropes. Sandow then hit the You’re Welcome to pick up the win.
Natalya and The Bella Twins defeated AJ, Tamina and Summer Rae. AJ skipped around the ring the majority of the match. She finally tagged in but was eventually rolled up by Natalya.
Justin Roberts introduced Bad News Barrett. He said the good news is that we are live on RAW. The bad news is that we are in an arena full of hillbillies and miscreants who had to name their city after the state just so they could remember its name.
Backstage, Randy Orton told Brad Maddox to tell The Authority that he should be recognized as the greatest WWE Champion ever and that he is bigger than the WWE.
Worst Abduction Ever
Daniel Bryan vs Erik Rowan. For those wondering, Bryan was abducted then left in a parking lot last week. Rowan pushed Bryan into the corner then hit a shoulder tackle. Bryan went for a clothesline but Rowan didn’t fall. Bryan landed some kicks and went for a Sleeper, but Rowan threw him off. Bryan pushed Rowan into the corner again and landed some kicks. Bryan went to apply the Yes Lock but Rowan threw him away. Rowan went for a bodyslam but Bryan countered and landed multiple kicks to the leg. Bryan went for the Yes Lock but Rowan got to the ropes. Rowan caught Bryan with a boot and threw him to the outside. Bryan went back in as Rowan went out and went for a dive, but Rowan caught him and threw him into the barricade into commercial.
Rowan had a chinlock applied back from break. Bryan tried escaping but Rowan hit a bodyslam. Rowan caught Bryan with a clothesline and he rolled to the outside. Rowan tossed Bryan into the steps. Back in the ring Bryan caught Rowan with a drop toe hold. He hit a dropkick in the corner, but Rowan caught him with an elbow on the second attempt. Rowan hit a couple of boots to the face on Bryan. Bryan tried fighting back again with kicks, but Rowan caught him and hit a fall away slam followed by a splash in the corner for two. Rowan went for an elbow but Bryan moved. Bryan knocked Harper off the apron with a dropkick then hit a dive to the outside on Rowan. Back in the ring, Bryan connected on a missile dropkick. Bryan landed his kicks to the chest. Rowan blocked the last one but Bryan landed in the corner. He went to the top but Harper caught him with a boot. Rowan went for a press slam, but Bryan countered into a roll up pin for the win.
After the match, Bray Wyatt appeared on the screen. He told Rowan and Harper to stand down. Bray said he’s done a lot of bad things since he’s been on earth. And that he was wrong about Daniel Bryan. Bray said he understands him. He said together they can tear the walls of places and can bring the machine to its knees. Bray told Bryan to open his eyes as the promo ended.
Backstage, Kane told Daniel Bryan that he would be facing all three members of The Wyatt Family at TLC.
Brodus Eat A Snickers. You Get Angry When Someone Tries To Steal Your Women
Xaiver Woods and R-Truth vs Tons of Funk. Woods went for some quick kicks on Brodus but Brodus caught him and hit a couple bodyslams. Sweet T came in and Xaiver landed some punches and kicks followed by a jawbreaker. Woods tagged in Truth. Truth landed some corner punches but Sweet T caught him off the ropes with a shoulder tackle. Brodus came in and worked over Truth for a bit before Truth caught him with a heel kick. Truth tagged in Woods and he caught Brodus with the Honor Roll for two. Woods knocked Sweet T off the apron but Brodus caught him with a shoulder tackle. He hit the the T-Bone suplex and splash in the corner, but missed the splash off the top. Woods pinned Brodus to pick up the win.
And The Downfall Of Alberto del Rio Begins
Sin Cara vs Alberto del Rio. Sin Cara connected on an armdrag off the top followed by one to the outside. He hit a springboard moonsault, but Del Rio caught him coming back in the ring with a kick to the head. Del Rio continued to dominate back in the ring. He hit a body stomp then went to a headlock. Sin Cara moved out of the way of a corner splash then hit a corner splash followed by a headbutt off the top. He hit a springboard crossbody for two. Del Rio caught Sin Cara with another kick then some headbutts. He went for the crossarmbreaker but Sin Cara shoved him off. Sin Cara went to the top. Del Rio missed his enziguri kick to the head and Sin Cara hit a Swanton for the win.
Can RAW Just Always Be 6 Man Tags?
Cody Rhodes, Goldust and Big Show vs The Shield. Big Show started with Dean Ambrose. He took him down with a headlock then hit a chest slap. Show hit another slap then tagged in Rollins. Show threw Rollins down then hit a bodyslam followed by an elbow drop. Rollins escaped and made the tag to Reigns. Big Show threw Reigns into the corner and he hit a chest slap. Reigns raked Show in the eyes and tagged in Ambrose. Ambrose hit some headbutts and went to the top but Show caught him and threw him off. Goldust came in and hit some offense then tagged in Cody. Cody hit a knee to the face followed by a face first suplex. Goldust came in, as did Rollins. Goldust landed an upper cut then went to an armbar. Cody came in and hit a backdrop. Rollins recovered and tagged in Ambrose, but he was dragged into the ring by Cody. Cody dropkicked Reigns off the apron and hit his moonsault. He went for Cross Rhodes but Amborse escaped, then slammed Cody’s arm into the ringpost into a commercial break.
The Shield still had control back from break. Cody went for the Disaster Kick but Reigns caught him with a punch to the chest. Rollins came in and worked over Cody a bit. Cody moved out of the way of a splash but Ambrose quickly tagged in. Cody caught Ambrose with a shoulder to the gut and hit a double dropkick on Ambrose and Rollins. Reigns came in but he missed an elbow and Cody tagged in Big Show. Show hit a splash in the corner but Ambrose pulled down the ropes causing Show to go to the outside. Rollins came in and caught Big Show with a knee off the top. Rollins landed a couple kicks to the head of Show. Ambrose came in and landed some kicks of his own. Reigns hit a clothesline for two. Ambrose came back in and applied a headlock, but Big Show got out with a backdrop. Reigns came back in but he ate a chokeslam.
Big Show tagged in Goldust and Reigns tagged in Rollins. Goldust hit his uppercut followed by an inverted atomic drop. Goldust hit a hurricarrana off the second rope followed by a spinebuster for two. Ambrose came in but Goldust pulled the ropes down on him. Goldust hit a powerslam. On the outside, Reigns speared Big Show but Cody took him out with a dive. Ambrose went after Goldust on the top, but he hit a superplex. Rollins moved out of the way of it, then rolled up Goldust to pick up the win.
Backstage Rene Young asked Punk his thoughts on the handicap match. He said he feels pretty, oh so pretty and did a little dance. He then said he knows he is going down. It is just a question of who from The Shield is going down with him.
Bad News Barrett came out again. He said last Thursday was Thanksgiving and we ate turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. But now all our arteries are clogged and we are constipated.
Miz and Kofi Kingston vs Ryback and Curtis Axel. The heels dominated the match early. Ryback and Axel hit most of their normal offense. Miz eventually caught Ryback with an elbow and tagged in Kofi. Kofi hit his crossbody. Kofi took Axel out on the outside but Ryback caught him with a clothesline. That allowed Ryback to hit Shell Shocked for the win. After the match Miz slapped Kofi in the face.
Damien Sandow defeated Dolph Ziggler in a #1 contenders match for the Intercontinental Championship
Natalya & The Bella Twins (Brie & Nikki Bella) defeated Summer Rae, Tamina, & AJ Lee
Daniel Bryan defeated Erick Rowan (w/ Luke Harper)
R-Truth & Xavier Woods defeated Brodus Clay & Tensai (w/ The Funkadactyls (Cameron & Naomi)
Sin Cara defeated Alberto Del Rio
The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, & Seth Rollins) defeated Cody Rhodes, Goldust, & Big Show
читать дальшеAh, another contract signing on RAW! The only question that remains is whether or not the crowd will react with Daniel Bryan chants. Follow along to find out!
Do All Director’s of Operations Have Theme Music Like Kane’s?
The show started with CM Punk. He said he’s been trying to figure out why The Shield attacked him. He said deep down he thinks he knows why. Punk said last week he critizied Triple H on RAW. And then he’s attacked by The Shield. Punk said he is in denial, and he hopes it is a coincidence. Punk said he doesn’t want any part of The Authority and wants to continue living in his own universe. Punk said Triple H can’t be that ignorant to kick a hornet’s nest and mess with one of the biggest anti-authority figures there is.
Stephanie McMahon came out. Steph said she hoped Punk had a good Thanksgiving. Steph said there advocates of free speech. She said they didn’t care about Punk calling HHH a bad name. Steph said it is much easier to point the finger at them, but they were just as upset as Punk when The Shield attacked him last week. Steph said they had more important things to worry about like the contract signing tonight. She said that if he had any other questions he could ask Kane, who came out. Kane said the investigation into Punk’s claim showed no wrong-doing by The Authority. Punk asked Kane when he became the Big Red Asskicker. Punk told Kane that he can come down to the ring and get knocked out or Go To Sleep, his choice. Kane started walking to the ring but Steph stopped him. The Shield’s music hit and they came to the ring. Punk grabbed a chair.
Steph told The Shield to stop and that Punk is to be respected. Kane agreed, and that he should be challenged. Kane said that at TLC, Punk will be in a 3-on-1 handicap match against The Shield.
First Step To Making The Intercontinental Title Relevant Again?
Dolph Ziggler vs Damien Sandow. Winner is #1 Contender for the IC Title. Dolph started with some early offense and hit a dropkick. Sandow went to the outside, but Dolph hit a baseball slide. Sandow recovered and face planted Dolph on the apron. Sandow hit a side Russian leg sweep followed by the Elbow of Disdain for two. Sandow went for a moonsault but Dolph moved. He connected on a DDT for two. Ziggler hit a splash followed by ten corner punches and a neckbreaker. He went for the Fameasser but Sandow countered it. Ziggler was able to connect on it on the second try for two. Ziggler went to the top but Sandow knocked him off the ropes. Sandow then hit the You’re Welcome to pick up the win.
Natalya and The Bella Twins defeated AJ, Tamina and Summer Rae. AJ skipped around the ring the majority of the match. She finally tagged in but was eventually rolled up by Natalya.
Justin Roberts introduced Bad News Barrett. He said the good news is that we are live on RAW. The bad news is that we are in an arena full of hillbillies and miscreants who had to name their city after the state just so they could remember its name.
Backstage, Randy Orton told Brad Maddox to tell The Authority that he should be recognized as the greatest WWE Champion ever and that he is bigger than the WWE.
Worst Abduction Ever
Daniel Bryan vs Erik Rowan. For those wondering, Bryan was abducted then left in a parking lot last week. Rowan pushed Bryan into the corner then hit a shoulder tackle. Bryan went for a clothesline but Rowan didn’t fall. Bryan landed some kicks and went for a Sleeper, but Rowan threw him off. Bryan pushed Rowan into the corner again and landed some kicks. Bryan went to apply the Yes Lock but Rowan threw him away. Rowan went for a bodyslam but Bryan countered and landed multiple kicks to the leg. Bryan went for the Yes Lock but Rowan got to the ropes. Rowan caught Bryan with a boot and threw him to the outside. Bryan went back in as Rowan went out and went for a dive, but Rowan caught him and threw him into the barricade into commercial.
Rowan had a chinlock applied back from break. Bryan tried escaping but Rowan hit a bodyslam. Rowan caught Bryan with a clothesline and he rolled to the outside. Rowan tossed Bryan into the steps. Back in the ring Bryan caught Rowan with a drop toe hold. He hit a dropkick in the corner, but Rowan caught him with an elbow on the second attempt. Rowan hit a couple of boots to the face on Bryan. Bryan tried fighting back again with kicks, but Rowan caught him and hit a fall away slam followed by a splash in the corner for two. Rowan went for an elbow but Bryan moved. Bryan knocked Harper off the apron with a dropkick then hit a dive to the outside on Rowan. Back in the ring, Bryan connected on a missile dropkick. Bryan landed his kicks to the chest. Rowan blocked the last one but Bryan landed in the corner. He went to the top but Harper caught him with a boot. Rowan went for a press slam, but Bryan countered into a roll up pin for the win.
After the match, Bray Wyatt appeared on the screen. He told Rowan and Harper to stand down. Bray said he’s done a lot of bad things since he’s been on earth. And that he was wrong about Daniel Bryan. Bray said he understands him. He said together they can tear the walls of places and can bring the machine to its knees. Bray told Bryan to open his eyes as the promo ended.
Backstage, Kane told Daniel Bryan that he would be facing all three members of The Wyatt Family at TLC.
Brodus Eat A Snickers. You Get Angry When Someone Tries To Steal Your Women
Xaiver Woods and R-Truth vs Tons of Funk. Woods went for some quick kicks on Brodus but Brodus caught him and hit a couple bodyslams. Sweet T came in and Xaiver landed some punches and kicks followed by a jawbreaker. Woods tagged in Truth. Truth landed some corner punches but Sweet T caught him off the ropes with a shoulder tackle. Brodus came in and worked over Truth for a bit before Truth caught him with a heel kick. Truth tagged in Woods and he caught Brodus with the Honor Roll for two. Woods knocked Sweet T off the apron but Brodus caught him with a shoulder tackle. He hit the the T-Bone suplex and splash in the corner, but missed the splash off the top. Woods pinned Brodus to pick up the win.
And The Downfall Of Alberto del Rio Begins
Sin Cara vs Alberto del Rio. Sin Cara connected on an armdrag off the top followed by one to the outside. He hit a springboard moonsault, but Del Rio caught him coming back in the ring with a kick to the head. Del Rio continued to dominate back in the ring. He hit a body stomp then went to a headlock. Sin Cara moved out of the way of a corner splash then hit a corner splash followed by a headbutt off the top. He hit a springboard crossbody for two. Del Rio caught Sin Cara with another kick then some headbutts. He went for the crossarmbreaker but Sin Cara shoved him off. Sin Cara went to the top. Del Rio missed his enziguri kick to the head and Sin Cara hit a Swanton for the win.
Can RAW Just Always Be 6 Man Tags?
Cody Rhodes, Goldust and Big Show vs The Shield. Big Show started with Dean Ambrose. He took him down with a headlock then hit a chest slap. Show hit another slap then tagged in Rollins. Show threw Rollins down then hit a bodyslam followed by an elbow drop. Rollins escaped and made the tag to Reigns. Big Show threw Reigns into the corner and he hit a chest slap. Reigns raked Show in the eyes and tagged in Ambrose. Ambrose hit some headbutts and went to the top but Show caught him and threw him off. Goldust came in and hit some offense then tagged in Cody. Cody hit a knee to the face followed by a face first suplex. Goldust came in, as did Rollins. Goldust landed an upper cut then went to an armbar. Cody came in and hit a backdrop. Rollins recovered and tagged in Ambrose, but he was dragged into the ring by Cody. Cody dropkicked Reigns off the apron and hit his moonsault. He went for Cross Rhodes but Amborse escaped, then slammed Cody’s arm into the ringpost into a commercial break.
The Shield still had control back from break. Cody went for the Disaster Kick but Reigns caught him with a punch to the chest. Rollins came in and worked over Cody a bit. Cody moved out of the way of a splash but Ambrose quickly tagged in. Cody caught Ambrose with a shoulder to the gut and hit a double dropkick on Ambrose and Rollins. Reigns came in but he missed an elbow and Cody tagged in Big Show. Show hit a splash in the corner but Ambrose pulled down the ropes causing Show to go to the outside. Rollins came in and caught Big Show with a knee off the top. Rollins landed a couple kicks to the head of Show. Ambrose came in and landed some kicks of his own. Reigns hit a clothesline for two. Ambrose came back in and applied a headlock, but Big Show got out with a backdrop. Reigns came back in but he ate a chokeslam.
Big Show tagged in Goldust and Reigns tagged in Rollins. Goldust hit his uppercut followed by an inverted atomic drop. Goldust hit a hurricarrana off the second rope followed by a spinebuster for two. Ambrose came in but Goldust pulled the ropes down on him. Goldust hit a powerslam. On the outside, Reigns speared Big Show but Cody took him out with a dive. Ambrose went after Goldust on the top, but he hit a superplex. Rollins moved out of the way of it, then rolled up Goldust to pick up the win.
Backstage Rene Young asked Punk his thoughts on the handicap match. He said he feels pretty, oh so pretty and did a little dance. He then said he knows he is going down. It is just a question of who from The Shield is going down with him.
Bad News Barrett came out again. He said last Thursday was Thanksgiving and we ate turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. But now all our arteries are clogged and we are constipated.
Miz and Kofi Kingston vs Ryback and Curtis Axel. The heels dominated the match early. Ryback and Axel hit most of their normal offense. Miz eventually caught Ryback with an elbow and tagged in Kofi. Kofi hit his crossbody. Kofi took Axel out on the outside but Ryback caught him with a clothesline. That allowed Ryback to hit Shell Shocked for the win. After the match Miz slapped Kofi in the face.
Damien Sandow defeated Dolph Ziggler in a #1 contenders match for the Intercontinental Championship
Natalya & The Bella Twins (Brie & Nikki Bella) defeated Summer Rae, Tamina, & AJ Lee
Daniel Bryan defeated Erick Rowan (w/ Luke Harper)
R-Truth & Xavier Woods defeated Brodus Clay & Tensai (w/ The Funkadactyls (Cameron & Naomi)
Sin Cara defeated Alberto Del Rio
The Shield (Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, & Seth Rollins) defeated Cody Rhodes, Goldust, & Big Show