читать дальше(1) Daniel Bryan def. Luke Harper & Erick Rowan in a 2-on-1 handicap match via disqualification. Bray Wyatt attacked, but Daniel Bryan recovered and stood tall after a running knee strike.
(2) The Real Americans def. Cody Rhodes & Goldust in a non-title match
Antonio Cesaro Face Turn
F4WOnline is reporting that an Antonio Cesaro face turn is most likely around the corner. The word going around is that WWE is getting close to turning Cesaro, but it's still unknown how they'll handle his relationship with Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger when they do.
Данунах, только Сезарро интересный гиммик подобрали, загинет ведь парень с вашим фейстерном, это же не Дэниэл Брайян!
* AJ and Tamina defeated The Bella Twins
* John Cena cuts a promo. Cena vows to go through a table, get up and win on Sunday.
* The Shield defeated the Uso’s in the MOTN.
* Big Show defeated Ryback. After the match The Big Show and Rey Mysterio attacked Curtis Axel.
* Kofi defeated Alberto Del Rio. Miz attacked Kofi from behind and hit the Skull Crushing Finale.
* Randy Orton comes out to apologize to Triple H. Triple H then comes out and confront Orton. Triple H forgave Orton. Hunter leaves afterwards. This concluded the tapings.
- The dark main event after Tuesday’s tapings in Portland saw John Cena defeat Randy Orton by DQ when Orton used a steel chair.
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